Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Moving On

I know for many, college is a place to earn a degree to inevitably make more money; and then when this tedious process is up, they're ready to settle down. They marry the man they met in college, with their bridesmaids standing next to them that they met from [insert whatever sorority] and use that degree to find a well-paying job so they can own a home with said husband. But what about those out there who don't want that adventure and freedom and whimsical dreaming of discovery to end? I could definitely see myself being happy with a home and husband and kids and a "normal" lifestyle. However, wouldn't it be way more exciting to keep dreaming up bigger ideas for yourself and the places you could go.

After college I want to do it all. I want to travel to Europe and trek through the Black Forest and get pissed drunk in a pub in Ireland and fall in love for a week in Paris. This may sound cliche, but its totally do-able. I want to freelance for a magazine and write about my insane life and where the wanderer's road takes me. I want to see movies and attend concerts and read books and write about everything that I experience. I want to become an experienced journalist and learn to do investigative work and be nosy and poke around in others' business, just so I can bring light to situations that need mended and issues that need fixed. I want to take photos and capture everything along the way. Life is beautiful if you choose to live it exponentially free and desire to learn and travel until you're the best version of yourself.

Sometimes we get caught up in the humdrum of everyday life and see our existence as a constant scheduling of the same mundane events. I don't want this for myself. Of course, we all need stability and a home base. However, being conscious of knowing you're meant for a different course and wanting to experience everything you can is important to really accomplish your vision. I met with a professor today who made me feel like I could do anything. He told me that I could find a job anywhere because I'm willing to relocate and to move because there's a career there or move because it's warm and that's what you enjoy. He smiled at me and said, "Just go and be young." And that is exactly what I intend to do.

1 comment:

  1. You are so smart, Amanda, and you are exactly right! I LOVE my life, my husband, my kids (although, I hate my house...but we are working on that...), but that desire for exploration and adventure is still there in me. I want to go to college for a dozen different things, I want to travel...EVERYWHERE. I want to volunteer and fight for worthy causes, I want to be free to just do what I want to do! I know that at this point in my life, some of those things won't happen, and probably none of them QUITE like I envision, but I still have plans to do most of that eventually...I may be old and grey when doing it, but BY GOD I will try! You are SO smart to put off the settling down, especially when you're such an adventurous person. Your professor is right, go and be young...while you can! I can't wait to see where your dreams take you!! Miss you!
